お料理教室では、旬のBIO野菜を使っておしゃれな家庭料理や保存が効くお惣菜、バター少なめの軽いフレンチ、健康的な和モダンフード、そして、アレルギーで大変な子供やママ達のため代用食材でお料理を提供。世界各国から生徒が集まるため、英語、フランス語、日本語、スペイン語でのお料理教室を開催中。外国人生徒にはパリ郊外のオーガニック畑から届けられる新鮮な日本野菜でママンの和食も大人気。京都・月桂冠酒造のフランス特派員として、SAKE・ 日本酒愛好家には酒と和モダンおつまみとのマリアージュを提案。巻き寿司、手毬、カワイイBENTO風なお料理のカルチャークラスは地元小中学校の子供達たちにも大人気。フランステレビ局
I am a Japanese personal chef and vegetable expert living in Paris. Born in Japan but, studied in USA, Canada and Mexico, then working in Tokyo and Europe. My cooking and wine-sake knowledge have been developed with my international background.
I graduated from Japanese Traditional Cuisine (Kaiseki) in Tokyo and from Le Cordon Blue in Paris, then, was working in the kitchen in restaurants and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Being as a personal chef, I have passion for BEAUTIFUL food with seasonal local products and the concept of ‘marriage’ with wine & japanese food, sake & french food. Also, I am interested in ‘food education’ for family and kids and ‘gluten free, bio,& multi-nutritious food’ for people suffered from allergies. In my cooking workshop, I teach light and healthy french cuisine mixed with my japanese original idea, and beautiful japanese cuisine with full of seasonal colour, excellent sources of nutritions and multi-vitamins. But the most importantly, my objective is to make my guests have’ BIG SMILE’ & ‘GOOD FEELING’.